Guruji’s Grace
Longevity + Telomere Rejuvenation
✓ Preserves Telomere Length
✓ Parasite Cleanse
✓ Digestive Support
✓ Tri-Dosha Healing
Narisorb® Active Absorption Enhancer. Made with more than 70 hydrophilic ionic trace minerals taken from isolated Shilajit humic-fulvic acid, this enhancer ensures bioavailability of nutrients that can easily pass through cell walls, infuse the blood vessels and dermal layers with vitality, encouraging natural cellular regeneration*.
– AyurActive®
– AyurMere®
– AyurSOD®
– Calcium D-Glucarate
– Bio Enhanced® Na-Rala
– L-Glutathione
– GlycoCarn® (Sigma Tau) Glycine Propionyl-L-Carnitine
– AyurFlora®
– Brassicare® Brassica Oleracea L
– Ashwaghanda Extract
– Shilajit
– Vitamin C (As Saberry® Amla Extract)
GURUJI’S GRACE™: Ayurvedic Wellness and Telomere Health, for Rejuvenation of Stem Cells at the Cellular Level*
Using a nutritional approach to Telomere Health and Longevity, Telomerase Production and Adult Stem Cell Rejuvenation are what sets Guruji’s Grace™ apart from other supplements on the market today. This unique, plant-based elixir holds the keys to unlock the secrets to graceful aging*.
Guruji’s Grace™ uses three clinically researched complexes in a unique combination to allow a cohesive strength unsurpassed in Telomere Health and Stem Cell Rejuvenation*: Ayurmere® Telomere Boost, AyurSOD® Immune Optimzer and AyurActive® Parasite Cleanse.
Working in harmony with these complexes are a variety of incredibly potent ingredients, including Ayurflora® Digestive enzymes, Ashwaghanda Extract, Brassicare™ Brassica Oleracea L. and Sayberry® Amla extract, to detox, cleanse. and balance intestinal flora, reduce inflammation and add more antioxidants for more efficient cellular function. This combination of Ayurvedic complexes and ingredients form a comprehensive nutritional network to target stem cell rejuvenation and telomere health and longevity*.
Guruji’s Grace™ is leading the way to graceful aging! The only supplement on the market today that addresses the foundational causes of our ability to age gracefully, live longer and retain our youthful countenance… from the inside out!
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