Vision Health
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text woodmart_inline=”no” text_larger=”no”]Your vision is what allows you to see the world around you. You have vision thanks to several components within t your eye and brain that work together. These parts include the:
- Lens.
- Retina.
- Optic nerve.
Parts of eye that help you to see
Each part turns light and electrical signals into images that you can see.
There are many different parts of your eye and brain that work together to help you see. The main components of your vision include:
- Cornea: This is the front layer of your eye. The cornea is dome-shaped and it works by bending the light that enters your eye.
- Pupil: The pupil is the black dot in the center of your eye that acts as a gateway for light. It expands in dim light and shrinks in bright light. It’s controlled by the iris.
- Iris: This part is typically referred to as your eye color. The iris is a muscle that controls the size of your pupil and the amount of light that enters your eye.
- Lens: The lens is behind the iris and pupil. It works with your cornea to focus the light that enters your eye, much like a camera. The lens brings the image in front of you into a sharp focus, which allows you to see the details clearly.
- Retina: Located at the back of the eye, the retina is a layer of tissue that transforms the light coming into your eye into electrical signals. These signals are sent to the brain where they are recognized as images.
- Optic nerve: This part of your vision works as the connecting element between the retina and the brain. Your optic nerve transmits the electrical signals formed in the retina to the brain. Once there, the brain creates images.
- Tears: Though they are most commonly thought of in relation to crying, tears are meant to keep your eyes wet and help you focus clearly. They also help protect your eyes from irritation and infection.
Vision Disorders
Red Eyes
Your eyes look bloodshot. Why? Their surface is covered in blood vessels that expand when they’re irritated or infected. That gives your eyes the red look.
Eyestrain can do it, and so can a late night, a lack of sleep, or allergies. If an injury is the cause, get it checked by your doctor. Red eyes could be a symptom of another eye condition, like conjunctivitis (pinkeye) or sun damage from not wearing shades over the years. If over-the-counter eye drops and rest don’t clear it up, see your doctor.
Cross Eyes (Strabismus) and Nystagmus
If your eyes aren’t lined up with each other when you look at something, you could have strabismus. You might also hear it called crossed eyes or walleye.
This problem won’t go away on its own. Sometimes you can go to vision therapy with an eye doctor to help strengthen the weak eye muscles. Often, you’ll likely need to get an ophthalmologist, or eye surgeon specialist, to correct it surgically. You’ll need to get an ophthalmologist, or eye specialist, to correct it.
With nystagmus, the eye moves or “jiggles” all the time on its own.
There are many treatments, including vision therapy to make your eyes stronger. Surgery is also an option. Your doctor will examine your eyes to see which treatment might work best for you.
When you can’t see certain colors, or can’t tell the difference between them (usually reds and greens), you may be colorblind. It happens when the color cells in your eye (the doctor will call them cone cells) are absent or don’t work.
When it’s most severe, you can only see in shades of gray, but this is rare. Most people who have it are born with it, but you can get it later in life from certain drugs and diseases. Your doctor can tell you what’s to blame. Men are much more likely to be born with it than women.
Your eye doctor can diagnose it with a simple test. There’s no treatment if you’re born with it, but special contacts and glasses can help some people tell the difference between certain colors.
Night Blindness
Is it hard to see at night, especially while driving? Is it tough to find your way around in dark places, such as movie theaters? That sounds like night blindness. It’s a symptom, not a problem in its own right. Nearsightedness, cataracts, keratoconus, and a lack of vitamin A all cause a type of night blindness that doctors can fix.
Some people are born with this problem, or it might develop from a degenerative disease involving the retina, and that usually can’t be treated. If you have it, you’ll need to be extra careful in areas of low light.
Anyone who reads for hours, works at a computer, or drives long distances knows about this one. It happens when you overuse your eyes. They get tired and need to rest, just like any other part of your body.
If your eyes feel strained, give them some time off. If they’re still weary after a few days, check with your doctor to make sure it isn’t another problem.
Lazy Eye
Lazy eye, or amblyopia, happens when one eye doesn’t develop properly. Vision is weaker in that eye, and it tends to move “lazily” around while the other eye stays put. It’s found in infants, children, and adults, and rarely affects both eyes. Treatment needs to be sought immediately for infants and children.
Lifelong vision problems can be avoided if a lazy eye is detected and treated during early childhood. Treatment includes corrective glasses or contact lenses and using a patch or other strategies to make a child use the lazy eye.
This is the name for a group of diseases that cause inflammation of the uvea. That’s the middle layer of the eye that contains most of the blood vessels.
These diseases can destroy eye tissue, and even cause eye loss. People of all ages can have it. Symptoms may go away quickly or last for a long time.
People with immune system conditions like AIDS, rheumatoid arthritis, or ulcerative colitis may be more likely to have uveitis. Symptoms may include:
- Blurred vision
- Eye pain
- Eye redness
- Light sensitivity
See your doctor if you have these symptoms and they don’t go away within a few days. There are different kinds of treatment for uveitis, depending on the type you have.
This happens when you lose the ability, despite good distance vision, to clearly see close objects and small print.
After age 40 or so, you may have to hold a book or other reading material farther away from your eyes to make it easier to read. Sort of like your arms are too short.
Reading glasses, contact lenses, LASIK, which is laser eye surgery, and other procedures can be used to restore good reading vision. Learn more about LASIK eye surgery and presbyopia.
These are tiny spots or specks that float across your field of vision. Most people notice them in well-lit rooms or outdoors on a bright day.
Floaters are usually normal, but they sometimes can be a sign of a more serious eye problem, like retinal detachment. That’s when the retina at the back of your eye separates from the layer underneath. When this happens, you might also see light flashes along with the floaters or a dark shadow come across the edge of your sight.
If you notice a sudden change in the type or number of spots or flashes you see or a new dark “curtain” in your peripheral vision, go to your eye doctor as soon as possible.
Dry Eyes
This happens when your eyes can’t make enough good-quality tears. You might feel like something is in your eye or like it’s burning. Rarely, in severe cases, extreme dryness can lead to some loss of vision. Some treatments include:
- Using a humidifier in your home
- Special eye drops that work like real tears
- Plugs in your tear ducts to lessen drainage
- Lipiflow, a procedure that uses heat and pressure to treat dry eyes
- Testosterone eyelid cream
- Nutritional supplements with fish oil and omega-3
If your dry eye problem is chronic, you may have dry eye disease. You doctor could prescribe medicated drops like cyclosporine (Cequa, Restasis) or lifitegrast (Xiidra) to stimulate tear production.
Your eye is like a tire: Some pressure inside it is normal and safe. But levels that are too high can damage your optic nerve. Glaucoma is the name for a group of diseases that cause this condition.
A common form is primary open angle glaucoma. Most people who have it don’t have early symptoms or pain. So it’s important to keep up with your regular eye exams. It doesn’t happen often, but glaucoma can be caused by:
- An injury to the eye
- Blocked blood vessels
- Inflammatory disorders of the eye
Treatment includes prescription eye drops or surgery.
Excess Tearing
It has nothing to do with your feelings. You might be sensitive to light, wind, or temperature changes. Try to protect your eyes by shielding them or wearing sunglasses (go for wraparound frames — they block more wind than other types).
Tearing may also signal a more serious problem, like an eye infection or a blocked tear duct. Your eye doctor can treat or correct both of these conditions.
These are cloudy areas that develop in the eye lens. A healthy lens is clear like a camera’s. Light passes through it to your retina — the back of your eye where images are processed. When you have a cataract, light can’t get through as easily. The result: You can’t see as well and may notice glare or a halo around lights at night.
Cataracts often form slowly. They don’t cause symptoms like pain, redness, or tearing in the eye.
Some stay small and don’t affect your sight. If they do progress and affect your vision, surgery almost always works to bring it back.
Retinal Disorders
The retina is a thin lining on the back of your eye that is made up of cells that collect images and pass them on to your brain. Retinal disorders can damage the retinal cells andblock this transfer. There are different types:
- Age-related macular degeneration refers to a breakdown of a small portion of the retina called the macula.
- Diabetic retinopathy is damage to the blood vessels in your retina caused by diabetes.
- Retinal detachment happens when the retina separates from the layer underneath.
It’s important to get an early diagnosis and have these conditions treated.
Conjunctivitis (Pinkeye)
In this condition, tissue that lines the back of your eyelids and covers your sclera gets inflamed. It can cause redness, itching, burning, tearing, discharge, or a feeling that something is in your eye.
People of all ages can get it. Causes include infection, exposure to chemicals and irritants, or allergies.
Wash your hands often to lower your chance of getting it.
Corneal Diseases
The cornea is the clear, dome-shaped “window” at the front of your eye. It helps to focus the light that comes in. Disease, infection, injury, and exposure to toxins can damage it. Signs include:
- Red eyes
- Watery eyes
- Pain
- Reduced vision, or a halo effect
The main treatment methods include:
- A new eyeglasses or contacts prescription
- Medicated eye drops
- Surgery
Eyelid Problems
Your eyelids do a lot for you. They protect your eye, spread tears over its surface, and limit the amount of light that can get in.
Pain, itching, tearing, and sensitivity to light are common symptoms of eyelid problems. You might also have blinking spasms or inflamed outer edges near your eyelashes. Treatment could include proper cleaning, medication, or surgery.
Vision Changes
As you get older, you may find that you can’t see as well as you once did. That’s normal. You’ll probably need glasses or contacts. You may choose to have surgery (LASIK) to correct your vision. If you already have glasses, you may need a stronger prescription.
Other, more serious conditions also happen as you age. Eye diseases like macular degeneration, glaucoma, and cataracts, can cause vision problems. Symptoms vary a lot among these disorders, so keep up with your eye exams.
Some vision changes can be dangerous and need immediate medical care. Anytime you have a sudden loss of vision, or everything looks blurry even if it’s temporary see a doctor right away.
Best foods foe healthy vision
1. Nuts and legumes
Nuts are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Nuts also contain a high level of vitamin E, which can protect the eye from age-related damage.
Nuts are available for purchase in most grocery stores and online. Nuts and legumes that are good for eye health include:
- walnuts
- Brazil nuts
- cashews
- peanuts
- lentils
2. Seeds
Like nuts and legumes, seeds are high in omega-3s and are a rich source of vitamin E.
Seeds are available for purchase in most grocery stores and online. Seeds high in omega-3 include:
- chia seeds
- flax seeds
- hemp seeds
3. Fish
Many fish are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids.
Oily fish are fish that have oil in their gut and body tissue, so eating them offers higher levels of omega-3-rich fish oil. The fish that contains the most beneficial levels of omega-3s include:
- tuna
- salmon
- trout
- mackerel
- sardines
- anchovies
- herring
Some studies have found that fish oil can reverse dry eye, including dry eye caused by spending too much time on a computer.
4. Citrus fruits
Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C. Just like vitamin E, vitamin C is an antioxidant that is recommended by the AOA to fight age-related eye damage.
Vitamin C-rich citrus fruits include:
- lemons
- oranges
- grapefruits
Tips to keep your vision healthy
Consume Carotenoids
A few other nutrients are also keys to improving eyesight. Among them are lutein and zeaxanthin, which are carotenoids found in the retina. You can also find them in leafy green vegetables, broccoli, zucchini, and eggs.
Lutein and zeaxanthin can also be taken in supplement form. These carotenoids help protect the macula by improving pigment density in that part of the eye, and absorbing ultraviolent and blue light.
Consume enough vitamins and minerals
Vitamins A, C, and E, as well as the mineral zinc, contain antioxidants that can help prevent macular degeneration. It’s a condition in which the macula — the part of the eye that controls central vision deteriorates.
Food sources for these important nutrients include a variety of colorful vegetables and fruits, such as:
- carrots
- red peppers
- broccoli
- spinach
- strawberries
- sweet potato
- citrus
Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon and flaxseed, are also recommended for better eye health.
Try to keep fit
Yes, exercise and maintaining a healthy weight can help your eyes, not just your waistline. Type 2 diabetes, which is more common in people who are overweight or obese, can cause damage to the tiny blood vessels in the eyes.
This condition is called diabetic retinopathy. Too much sugar circulating in your bloodstream injures the delicate walls of your arteries. Diabetic retinopathy causes the very small arteries in your retina the light-sensitive back part of the eye to leak blood and fluid into the eye, harming your vision.
Getting your blood sugar levels checked regularly and staying fit and trim can lower your odds of developing type 2 diabetes and its many complications.
Keep your hands and lenses clean
Your eyes are especially vulnerable to germs and infections. Even things that just irritate your eyes can affect your vision. For those reasons, you should always wash your hands before touching your eyes or handling your contact lenses. It’s also super important to wash your hands
You should also replace your contact lenses as advised by the manufacturer or your doctor. Germs in your contact lenses can lead to bacterial infections of the eyes.
Maintain chronic conditions
Diabetes isn’t the only disease that can affect your vision. Other conditions, such as high blood pressure and multiple sclerosis, can affect your eyesight. These conditions are linked to chronic inflammation, which can harm your health from head to toe.
Inflammation of the optic nerve, for example, can cause pain and even complete vision loss. While a disease such as multiple sclerosis can’t be prevented, you can try to manage it with healthy habits and medications.
High blood pressure can be effectively treated with a heart-healthy diet, exercise and antihypertensive medications.
Use protective eyewear
Whether you’re playing racquetball, working in your garage, or doing a science experiment in school, it’s vital that you protect your eyes with appropriate eyewear.
Tough, protective eyewear is essential if there is a risk of chemicals, sharp objects, or materials such as wood shavings, metal shards, or even a stray elbow during a basketball game, entering your eye.
Many protective goggles are made with a type of polycarbonate, which is about 10 times tougher than other forms of plastic.
Sunglasses aren’t just for looking cool. Wearing shades is one of the most important steps you can take when it comes to improving your eyesight. You want sunglasses that block out 99 to 100 percent of UVA and UVB radiation from sunlight.
Sunglasses help protect your eyes from conditions that stem from eye damage. These include cataracts, macular degeneration, and pterygium a growth of tissue over the white part of the eye. Pterygiums can lead to astigmatism, which can cause blurred vision.
Wearing a wide-brimmed hat can also help protect your eyes from sun damage.
Follow the 20-20-20 rule
Your eyes work hard during the day and need a break now and then. The strain can be especially intense if you work at a computer for long stretches at a time. To ease the strain, follow the
That means every 20 minutes, you should stop staring at your computer and look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.
Avoid smoking
You know smoking is bad for your lungs and your heart, not to mention your hair, skin, teeth, and just about every other body part. That includes your eyes, too. Smoking dramatically raises your risk of developing cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.
Fortunately, your eyes, lungs, heart, and other body parts can start to recover from years of tobacco-induced harm within the first hours of quitting. And the longer you can avoid cigarettes, the more your blood vessels will benefit and inflammation will ease off throughout your eyes and the rest of you.
Learn your family’s eye health history
Some eye conditions are hereditary, so being aware of eye conditions that your parents or grandparents had can help you take precautions.
Hereditary conditions include:
- glaucoma
- retinal degeneration
- age-related macular degeneration
- optic atrophy
Understanding your family history can help you take early precautions[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]