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Vitamins and Minerals
Mango contains Vitamin A, C, and, K. It also contains Beta-carotene, folate, magnesium, choline, and, potassium.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text woodmart_inline=”no” text_larger=”no” el_class=”essen”]
Essential to (Body parts/Functions)
Mango is essential for a perfect immune system. Mango is a good source of Immune-boosting nutrients such as Vitamin A and C. Mango supports the heart to remain healthy. This fruit helps to maintain a healthy pulse and promotes lower blood pressure levels due to the presence of a unique antioxidant called mangiferin. Mango uses to make digestive health better. It contains many enzymes that break down large food molecules.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text woodmart_inline=”no” text_larger=”no”]
Origin and Usage
Mango is dfdgated from the region between Myanmar, Bangladesh, And India. Mango belongs to the family Anacardiaceae. Mango is oval, heart-shaped, and slender. Mangoes are sweet and flesh is soft and pulpy. Although taste and texture of this fruit vary across its varieties. Mangoes are eaten raw. Mangoes are also widely used to make jellies, jams, cakes, desserts, and also other many sweet items
Types and varieties
There are a hundred types of mangoes in different regions according to size, taste, shape, sweetness.
Cultural Importance
Mango is the national fruit of Pakistan, the Philippines, and India. The mango tree is the national tree of Bangladesh. An emperor of south Asia named Ashoka planted the fruit and shade-bearing trees along the roads.
India is the largest country that produces mangoes. Other largest countries are Thailand, Pakistan, Indonesia, Mexico, Bangladesh, and, Nigeria[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]