Tips to Build a Better Brain

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text woodmart_inline=”no” text_larger=”no”]The brain is the most important organ of our body. It performs amazing work and comes up with different creative ways to express your thoughts and feelings. It controls your body functions, saves your memories, and solves problems.

Like any other body parts brain also needs care. Most people don’t take care of their brain health unless they feel some cognitive changes. The good thing is to keep your mind healthy and fit from childhood. There are many things you can do to keep your brain healthy and fit. Social Interactions, Intellectual pursuits, and physical activities are the most important for brain health. Here are some tips on how to make a good brain great and how you can keep your brain healthy and sharp.

Exercise regularly

Moderate-intensity exercise is not just good for your heart health but it is also good for your brain care. Doing exercise regularly improves your brain health, and sharp memory, and reduces tension and stress. It also makes you mentally more active and alert. You don’t need high-intensity exercise to make a difference. You can do cycling, walking, or swimming for long-term positive effects on your health. Exercise has also many other benefits and multiple studies have proven it. People who are physically active have less chance to get mental diseases like Alzheimer’s.

Exercise helps you to regulate your blood flow to your brain which has a positive impact on your health. It also helps to reduce the factors that may cause aging.

Get Quality sleep

Sleep plays an important role in your health. And in this matter better brain needs quality sleep for proper functioning other than any organ. Some studies say that sleep helps to clear abnormal proteins in your brain and consolidates memories, which boosts your memory and brain health. Quality of sleep is important because if you are not being disturbed by others in your sleep, it will have a bad impact on your brain functions and health. It is also important how much you are getting the sleep. According to research seven to eight consecutive hours of sleep per day is beneficial for your health. Seven to eight hours of sleep gives your brain time to consolidate and store your memories effectively.

If you are not getting proper sleep you may face some serious problems. To get proper sleep you have to make a timetable and every night at bedtime turn off all your electronic devices. Also don’t think negative thoughts about your worries before going to bed. If you still face some issues with sleeping you can do 5-10 minutes of mindful meditation to calm your mind and make it easier to sleep. Meditation is helpful to reduce anxiety, depression, and confusion. Meditation is also helpful for you if you have insomnia

Eat Healthy food.

Eating healthy keeps you fit. A diet that has omega-3 fatty acids, and low saturated fat are the best food for brain health. Your diet plays an important role in your brain care. Researches say that the Mediterranean diet is good for your brain health. The Mediterranean diet includes foods, whole grains, fish, olive oil, and less red meat. People who follow this Mediterranean diet have fewer chances to get brain diseases. Different nutrients have different benefits for brain health. omega fatty acids found in olive oil are vital for your cells to function correctly. It is also important because it reduces the risk of coronary artery diseases and increases mental focus and slows cognitive decline in older adults.

Here are some foods which are best for your Brain care and health and how you can build a better brain.

  • Fatty fish

This type of fish includes salmon, trout, tuna, herring, and sardines. It is one of the best food for brain health. It contains a high amount of omega-3 fatty acids which play an important role in the health of the brain. About 30% of our brain is made of omega-3 fatty acids. Your brain uses this to build brains and nerve cells. It sharpens your memory and reduces the chances of Alzheimer’s disease. If you are not getting enough omega-3 fatty acids it may have negative impacts on your mental health. However, generally, fish-eating has positive health benefits.

  • Coffee

Coffee is a famous drink and supports brain health. It has caffeine which has positive effects on the brain care. It increases alertness by blocking the adenosine. After drinking coffee you may also feel good as it may act like dopamine. Some studies also show that it can improve alertness and concentration for a shorter period of time.

Drinking coffee for a long time reduces the risk of neurological diseases, such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. 3 to 4 cups of coffee changes a lot in your health in a positive way.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”8183″ img_size=”full” parallax_scroll=”no” woodmart_inline=”no”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text woodmart_inline=”no” text_larger=”no”]

  • Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds contain powerful antioxidants that help to protect the brain from free radicals. It also has nutrients that are beneficial for brain health.

It contains zinc which is vital for nerve signaling, deficiency of zinc may lead to many neurological conditions. Pumpkin seeds have magnesium which is essential for learning and memory. The deficiency of magnesium can lead to disorders such as depression, epilepsy, and migraine. Pumpkin seeds also have copper and iron which are beneficial for brain functions. In short, pumpkins seeds are full of micronutrients and you can reap their benefits by adding pumpkin seeds to your diet.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”8186″ img_size=”full” parallax_scroll=”no” woodmart_inline=”no”][vc_column_text woodmart_inline=”no” text_larger=”no”]

  • Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate and chocolate powder (cocoa powder) have ingredients that boost brain health such as flavonoids, caffeine, and antioxidants.

Regular chocolate is not as useful; as dark chocolate, because regular chocolate contains only 5-10% cocoa while dark chocolate contains 70% cocoa. Dark chocolate has an impact on the parts of the brain which are used for learning and memory. It may enhance memory and reduce age-related mental decline.

Studies show that people who are eating chocolate are good performers in mental activities than others who don’t eat chocolate. Chocolate also helps to make your mood good and increased your positive feelings.

  • Oranges

Oranges are a good source of vitamin c. Vitamin C is essential for brain care as it prevents mental decline. Studies show that people who take more vitamin C have more concentration, memory, and decision speed.

Vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant that helps to fight against free radicals and save the brain from diseases like cancer. It also saves you from anxiety and Alzheimer’s disease. Besides the oranges, you can also get Vitamin C from peppers, guava, kiwi, and tomatoes.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”8187″ img_size=”full” parallax_scroll=”no” woodmart_inline=”no”][vc_column_text woodmart_inline=”no” text_larger=”no”]

  • Eggs

Eggs are a good source of many macros and micronutrients which are vital to brain health. it includes Vitamin B6, B12, and choline. Choline is an important micronutrient that your brain uses to create acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate mood and memory. Many studies show that higher intakes of choline boost brain function and memory.

Besides this eggs also contains B vitamins which also have many crucial roles in brain health. B vitamins help to slow the progression of mental decline in older adults by reducing the levels of homocysteine. B vitamins also have a link to depression. A higher intake of b vitamins reduces depression. Eggs also provide folate which reduces the chances of dementia.

  • Green tea

Green tea boosts brain function and improves alertness, performance, memory, and focus. Green tea has such ingredients which make it a brain-healthy beverage. One green tea component is L-theanine, which is an amino acid that can cross the blood-brain barrier and increase the activity of GABA, which helps to reduce anxiety and makes you feel more relaxed and happy. Green tea makes your brain a better brain and boost its functions.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”8190″ img_size=”full” parallax_scroll=”no” woodmart_inline=”no”][vc_column_text woodmart_inline=”no” text_larger=”no”]

Be socially active

Social activities and interactions help you to stay away from depression, anxiety, and negative thoughts. These disorders can damage your brain health and memory. The best way to face these disorders or prevent them is to be social. Try to connect with people, listen to motivational speakers, and share your thoughts with friends and others. Especially if you live alone then there is more need for you to be social because your loneliness will end up in depression and anxiety which are not good for your health at all. Studies show that people who are more socially active have fewer chances to go into depression.

Instead of spending time alone and watching TV, or scrolling Instagram, try to meet with someone in person and go to gatherings. Always look for opportunities to connect with more good people. Try to connect with loved ones, friends, and others. Enjoy your every single day. Don’t make everything a problem and feel it like a burden. Always remain calm and see how your life will change in a good way.

If you are not socially active you have chances to go into depression and you may face the anxiety of some type. And if you are depressed or anxious, the brain becomes so occupied with worries and it is very hard for the brain to give 100%.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”8192″ img_size=”full” parallax_scroll=”no” woodmart_inline=”no”][vc_column_text woodmart_inline=”no” text_larger=”no”]

Control your Blood pressure and Sugar

High blood pressure is the main cause of many diseases. It is also a major problem for brain health. High blood pressure increases the risk of cognitive decline. High levels of cholesterol are associated with an increased risk of dementia. A simple lifestyle and simple diet plans can help you to control your blood pressure and cholesterol level. Besides this also take care of your blood sugar levels. Diabetes is a key factor in dementia. As you can control your blood pressure and lower your cholesterol level by eating the right foods you can also control your blood sugar level by eating right. Maintaining your blood sugar level will also help with sugar crashes, which can cause brain fogginess. Also, do exercise regularly, control your weight, and avoids alcohol and tobacco.

Care for your Emotions

Stress and worries can slow down your brain functions. It can affect your memory and moods. Stress is also very harmful to your brain health as it promotes anxiety. Stress which remains for a long time has a very bad impact on your brain health. Try to learn to calm yourself in every situation. Engage yourself in some type of physical activity and exercise which will help you to calm your nerves and also improve your brain functions and health. Long-term stress has linked to inflammation and chronic illness. It’s not only bad for your brain health but it can also be bad for your heart. People who are more anxious, depressed, sleep-deprived, or exhausted show poorly on cognitive function tests. You should go also for a doctor’s appointment if you have a severe issue with this.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”8195″ img_size=”full” parallax_scroll=”no” woodmart_inline=”no”][vc_column_text woodmart_inline=”no” text_larger=”no”]

Protect your head

Protecting your head is also very important. Moderate to severe head injuries increases the risk of cognitive impairment. Even if you don’t protect your head from the sun on hot summer days it can also affect your brain health. For a better brain always protect your head from any type of injuries.

Avoid tobacco and Alcohol

Tobacco and alcohol are very injurious to brain health and also the overall health of your body. Try to avoid all forms of tobacco. Excessive drinking is also very harmful and increases the risk of dementia. Limit yourself if you want to drink.


As we know our brain is the most important organ of our body so we need to take care of it. It can also be ill sometimes or it doesn’t work normally and we have to check what we can do. To take care of your brain’s health you can follow the tips above given and also make your diet plan for yourself to make better brain and perfect brain care. If you are having a problem you may also use some medicine like Cogni Veda and 10xPURE It can help you to improve your brain health in many ways. It amplifies dream lucidity, and improves memory and focus. Besides this, it also enhances creativity and elevates mood.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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